Thursday, 16 August 2007

Any Dream Will Do

Fascinating thing about comic books is the charactisation shorthand by the artist employed to flesh out the characters in few words and illustrative strokes of his pen.

One of the most stand out examples of this trick is Al Hartley's contemporary retelling of Joseph (you know, the one of the technicolor dreamcoat fame).

If you're not familiar with it, the story is in The Bible and you'll find it here.

You're back?


Written for Spire Christian Comics franchise of the early 1970s, My Brothers' Keeper is remarkably cinematic in scope and its deliberate anachronistic detailing (the story is set in an Islamic country, not ancient Egypt and you can safely be sure that there were NO JET FIGHTERS, in 1670 BC).

So cinematic in fact that Nick and Nora have been prompted to do a period casting based on their appearance in this comic.

First is Joseph. Doesn't he look like a young Warren Beattie?
Now what about Joseph's dad Jacob? (Who took on the family name of Israel, if you were wondering).

How about......Lorne GreeneNow the story of Joseph wouldn't be complete without the casting of the femme fatale, Potiphar's wife whose unsuccessful seduction of Joseph lands him in prison falsely accused of rape. (don't worry the story ends happily).

Hmmm, luscious, buxom, brunette and exotic......who could it be other than: Claudia Cardinale.Recognising Joseph's fiscal and governmental organisational ability (not to mention the ability to correctly interpret dreams), the King of Egypt liberates Joseph from prison and appoints him as Prime Minister.And who else would you want as the ruler of an exotic land but Yul Brynner.What do you think?

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