Friday, 29 January 2010

"I Need the Old Blade Runner"

Nicky is much better qualified to comment upon this rare beast - the original theatrical release of Blade Runner... on Beta.
Blade Runner... on Beta!It's one of his favourite films.

Sure, you can get Blade Runner, arguably one of Ridley Scott's best films, on DVD, but you'll be suffering through the interminable director's cut.

Sure, you can still get the original theatrical release, but it means having to purchase a DVD box set with 578,204,000 different versions before you get to the one people paid good money to see at the cinema.

Nicky says there is a very good reason producers make directors edit and chase films.

Scott has enjoyed aftermarket DVD success with the directors' only because of the cult following the original version enjoyed.

Being the early adopter he was, Nicky still has his original Beta video recorder and a heap of tapes that we're now recording onto a digital format.

Not seen Blade Runner? Don't know what the fuss is about?

Take a look at Rutger Hauer's moving performance as Replicant Roy Batty:

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