Sunday, 30 March 2008


I've never seen two people looking more raputous at the thought of undies.

The famous "Stretchy Seat" that gives with every move, never creeps or binds.

That quick-adjusting, gap-proof fly and the full cut pouch with its gentle support are mighty welcome, too!
Fear not, there's something for the little woman as well (apart from what's lurking in the full cut pouch):

Not only no buttons - but nothing to iron - and they wash in nothing flat!

Wear? Why, lady, those seams are reinforced - stronger than the material itself!

Besides - admit it - SKIT-Trunks would add to his appearance...
Despite this, the ad, from a February 1948 edition of Saturday Evening Post, is a lot less creepy than this 1970s Jockey ad.

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